From left to right: Vince Horrigan, Chautauqua County Executive; Tracie DeMotte, contest winner; Roslin Smith, contest winner; Kevin Kearns, Vice President of Engagement and Economic Development at the State University of New York at Fredonia; and David Saxton, contest winner.
MAVYILLE – Chautauqua County officials have announced the three winners for the first contest period of the I Love CHQ Challenge video contest, which concluded on March 31, 2015.
Winners were Tracie DeMotte, Roslin Smith, and David Saxton; who are all from Chautauqua County.
Each winner received a $250 prize and DeMotte’s video entitled, “Outdoor Chautauqua Living,” received the highest overall rank, followed closely by Saxton’s “Hometown Winter,” and Smith’s “View’s From Within.”
A press conference and award ceremony announcing the winners took place Wednesday afternoon at Chautauqua Institution, with Chautauqua County Executive Vince Horrigan, Chautauqua County Visitors Bureau Director Andrew Nixon and several other local officials on hand.
The I Love CHQ Challenge is a social media promotion that utilizes video images of the area in conjunction with Facebook. Videos are shared in order to generate “likes” and also evaluated by a local review group. The premise behind the campaign is to foster positive images about the Chautauqua County area.
The promotion’s second contest period is now underway and continues until June 30.
For additional information about the contest and to enter, visit www.facebook.com/Tour.Chautauqua and select the I Love CHQ Challenge tab.
I read the names of the winners and see their photos – but, no mention of exactly what they wrote as to why they “Love Chautauqua”!
I dearly love Chautauqua, myself, check in with the site on the web during the winter and visit the area two to three times during the summer.
That’s why I’d like to hear what others say about Chautauqua.
Could there be a follow-up of these (the 1st) winners and share what they said, or wrote, about Chautauqua?
Thanks and enjoy a great day (or, evening) at Chautauqua!!!
It was a video contest, not a writing contest. You can find the videos on the facebook link that was provided. Thanks for checking in!