A program to install 1,000 carbon monoxide detectors in Jamestown homes has been approved by City Council. The Jamestown Fire Department received $176,297 in funding from the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission for the purpose of establishing … [Read more...]
City Council To Vote On Hiring 5 Police Officers
Jamestown City Council will vote tonight on hiring five police officers as wells as creating a Carbon Monoxide Prevention Program. The Jamestown Police Department stated in a staff report that the fiscal impact to hire an officer is $60,536.26, … [Read more...]
Jamestown Fire Department Looks To Create Carbon Monoxide Prevention Program
The Jamestown Fire Department is working on creating a Carbon Monoxide Prevention Program. In July 2024, the Department received $176,297 in funding from the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission for the purpose of establishing the … [Read more...]