Jamestown City Council members are requesting more clarification on a proposal to hire new Police Officers and Firefighters. The proposed hiring is part of public safety investments announced by administration and members of the City Council … [Read more...]
City Reapportionment Committee Hears Proposal to Reduce Number of Wards, At-Large Seats
The effort to redraw wards in Jamestown so they will comply with the 2020 census is moving forward. On Tuesday, the city's Reapportionment Commission held its second meeting of the year and further looked into the process of drawing ward … [Read more...]
Jamestown Officials Announce Investments in Public Safety
City of Jamestown officials announced new investments in public safety, including more police officers and firefighters in addition to purchasing a second ambulance. Mayor Eddie Sundquist said the three police officers hired would be part of a new … [Read more...]
Jamestown Reapportionment Committee Holds Organizational Meeting
The City of Jamestown Reapportionment Commission held its organizational meeting Wednesday evening. Commission member and City Council President Tony Dolce said the Commission is waiting on the Census Tract data to start their work, "Each ward has … [Read more...]
Jamestown City Council Passes $5 Million in ARPA Projects, Feral Cat Program
Jamestown City Council passed over $5 million in American Rescue Plan funded projects, with four resolutions for economic development related initiatives failing to pass. Council members Marie Carrubba, Andrew Faulkner, Kim Ecklund, and Randy … [Read more...]
Jamestown City Council Promises ‘More Is To Come’ After Approving Over $2 Million in ARP Projects
Jamestown City Council members promised "more is to come" after approving over $2 million in American Rescue Plan funded projects Monday night. While Council members Regina Brackman and Andrew Faulkner voted no, all other council members approved … [Read more...]
City Council Approves Reapportionment Commission Appointments
The appointments for the City's Reapportionment Commission have been set. Jamestown City Council approved the mayoral appointments of Ellen Ditonto, Alyssa Porter, and Billy Torres to the commission. Jim Walton will represent the Democratic Party, … [Read more...]
City Council to Vote on $750,000 Roof & Lateral Sewer Improvement Program
Jamestown City Council will be voting on a resolution to use American Rescue Plan funds for a Roof and Lateral Sewer Improvement Program. Council President Tony Dolce said economic development and housing programs that were proposed to be funded … [Read more...]
City Council Reviews $500,000 West Third Street Redesign Project
Jamestown City Council discussed the proposal to spend $500,000 on the West Third Street redesign project at its work session Monday night. Council President Tony Dolce said there has been some confusion over the scope of the project. He said it's … [Read more...]
Jamestown City Council Votes Down Property Revaluation Proposal
Jamestown City Council unanimously voted down a proposal to do a property revaluation in the City. Council President Tony Dolce said the timing wasn't right and there's never really a good time to do a reval, "I think the big concern that Council … [Read more...]