JAMESTOWN - The Chautauqua Belle will begin operating out of Jamestown this weekend, taking riders along the Chadakoin River to Celoron. The announcement was made on Tuesday after Jamestown Mayor Sam Teresi and and Chautauqua Belle officials … [Read more...]
[LISTEN] Community Matters – Jamestown Mayor Sam Teresi, May 2019 Interview
MOBILE APP USERS: LISTEN VIA SOUNDCLOUD Originally airing Thursday, May 16 2019 WRFA's Jason Sample talks with Jamestown Mayor Sam Teresi about the recent decision by the Jamestown City Council to challenge a State Supreme Court Ruling that … [Read more...]
City Council Approves Updated Urban Design Plan, Liuzzo Votes ‘No’
JAMESTOWN - The Jamestown City Council has approved a plan that will help chart the course for future development in the downtown area of the city, but it wasn't unanimous. During Monday's city council meeting, lawmakers voted 8 to 1 in favor of … [Read more...]
City Resident Continues to Voice Concerns Over Perceived Zoning Violation Involving Outdoor Entertainment
JAMESTOWN - In early April, downtown resident and former business owner Gary Templin voiced his concerns to the Jamestown City Council’s Public Safety Committee about what he believes is the city government ignoring and/or violating its own zoning … [Read more...]
Jamestown City Council Votes to Challenge Supreme Court Ruling on Police Union Arbitration
JAMESTOWN - The legal battle over a 2-year contract between the city of Jamestown and its police union is not over. On Monday night the Jamestown City Council voted 8 to 1 in favor of appealing a recent State Supreme Court Decision that upheld an … [Read more...]
2019 Complete Streets Projects Focus on Additional Crosswalks, Bike Lanes in Jamestown, Bemus Point and Dunkirk
FALCONER - The Chautauqua County Department of Public Facilities has announced the Complete Streets projects that are planned for 2019. The Complete Streets policy, which has been adopted by Chautauqua County and currently seven local … [Read more...]
2018 Jamestown City Budget Finishes with $416,000 Surplus
JAMESTOWN - The Jamestown City Council received positive news regarding last year's budget, as well as some promising signs for the current fiscal year. City Comptroller Joe Bellitto went over the final numbers for the 2018 city budget and said … [Read more...]
Teresi Acknowledges Impact of Cuomo’s Green New Deal on Local Power Generation, Says BPU Will Develop Long-Term Strategy
JAMESTOWN - Jamestown Mayor Sam Teresi says the Jamestown Board of Public Utilities is doing what it can to prepare for an ambitious statewide initiative that calls for a transition from fossil fuel-based energy to clean, renewable energy during the … [Read more...]
[LISTEN] Community Matters – Mayor Sam Teresi April 2019 Interview
MOBILE APP USERS: LISTEN VIA SOUNDCLOUD Originally airing Thursday, April 11, 2019 Jamestown Mayor Sam Teresi stops by the WRFA studio to discuss the State Budget and its impact on Jamestown. Plus the mayor talks about the city's current … [Read more...]
City Ready to Start Enforcing Landlord Registry Program
JAMESTOWN - City officials will be ramping up the effort to get city landlords to fall into compliance with the Jamestown Residential Rental Property Registry program. On Monday night Mayor Sam Teresi and Development Director Vince DeJoy went … [Read more...]