JAMESTOWN - The Republican candidate for Mayor of Jamestown reportedly failed to report his campaign finance numbers with the state board of elections on three separate occasion. According to a media release sent out by Jamestown City Democratic … [Read more...]
Republican Candidate for Mayor Reacts to Primary Opponent Running as Libertarian Candidate
JAMESTOWN - The Republican candidate for mayor of Jamestown says he's surprised his primary opponent has decided to run as a Libertarian candidate, but adds he doesn't think it will split the Republican vote in the Democratic candidate's … [Read more...]
[LISTEN] Community Matters – Jamestown Mayor Sam Teresi July 2019 Interview
MOBILE APP USERS: LISTEN VIA SOUNDCLOUD Originally airing Thursday, July 18, 2019 We talk with Mayor Sam Teresi to get his thoughts on the National Comedy Center as it approaches its one-year anniversary of opening to the public. Plus the mayor … [Read more...]
[WATCH] Liuzzo Will Continue Campaign for Mayor as Libertarian Candidate
JAMESTOWN - City councilman Andrew Liuzzo (R-At Large) announced Tuesday that he would accept the Libertarian Party's nomination as candidate for Mayor of Jamestown, following his failed effort last month to gain the GOP … [Read more...]
Liuzzo Nominated as Mayoral Candidate of Libertarian Party but Hasn’t Formally Accepted
JAMESTOWN - The Jamestown city councilman who was unable to secure the Republican party's nomination as a candidate for mayor in June may still appear on the November election ballot. Members of the Chautauqua County Libertarian Party held their … [Read more...]
Wilfong Wins Republican Primary, Will Face Sundquist in November Election to Determine Jamestown’s Next Mayor
JAMESTOWN - David Wilfong is the winner of Tuesday's Republican Primary for mayor of Jamestown, defeating opponent Andrew Liuzzo with an election night final of 480 to 271. An addition 61 absentee ballots were left to be counted. Wilfong currently … [Read more...]
[LISTEN] Jamestown City Council Endorses Three CFA Grant Submissions Totally $1.8 Million
JAMESTOWN - The Jamestown City Council has given its endorsement to the submission of three applications for the latest round of development funding from New York State Empire Development's Consolidated Funding Application program. The endorsements … [Read more...]
Republican Mayoral Candidates Discuss Their Approach to Dealing with Financial Challenges Facing the City
JAMESTOWN - The Republican Primary for Jamestown mayor will take place next Tuesday, June 25 and is open to all registered Republican voters living in the city. Both Jamestown City councilman Andrew Liuzzo and County Legislator David Wilfong are … [Read more...]
[LISTEN] Community Matters – Jamestown Mayor Sam Teresi: June 2019 Interview
MOBILE APP USERS: LISTEN VIA SOUNDCLOUD Jamestown Mayor Sam Teresi stops by the WRFA studio for his June interview and talks about economic development in the city, including his reaction to a local company - Stannard Group - moving out of the … [Read more...]
[LISTEN] City Officials Respond to Ongoing Complaints Regarding Music Entertainment from Downtown Resident
JAMESTOWN - Jamestown city officials spent a great deal of time Monday night responding to a series of complaints about downtown noise and entertainment raised by a city resident during the past few months. Jamestown Mayor Sam Teresi, City … [Read more...]