JAMESTOWN - Mayor Sam Teresi updated the Jamestown City Council Monday night on the county’s effort to find a permanent location for its downtown CARTS hub. CARTS is the regional public transportation system overseen by the county. For nearly five … [Read more...]
Total Legal Fees in Jamestown BPU Substation Annexation Case $450,000 and Climbing
JAMESTOWN - The cost of the Annexation issue between the city of Jamestown and town of Ellicott, Village of Falconer and Falconer School District is costing taxpayers and local utility customers more than $450,000. At issue is the city's effort to … [Read more...]
Jamestown BPU Approves Increase in Legal Fees for Annexation Case, Total Now at $280,000
JAMESTOWN - Legal fees in the annexation case between the city of Jamestown and the Town of Ellicott / Village of Falconer continue to climb. On Monday afternoon the Jamestown Board of Public Utilities unanimously approved a $110,000 change order … [Read more...]
City Council Approves JCC Property Sale, Constable Appointment Remains in Holding Pattern
JAMESTOWN - Mayor Sam Teresi has yet to make an appointment to fill a long-vacant city constable position, but says one could be forthcoming next month. For the past several months a group of landlords and representatives in the city have asked … [Read more...]
Constable Appointment Not on Agenda for August Voting session, SRO Resolution and JCC Property Sale to Be Acted On
JAMESTOWN - The Jamestown City Council will be holding its monthly voting session Monday night at City Hall. Among the items on the agenda is assigning three school resource officers to work at Jamestown Public Schools during the 2018-19 school … [Read more...]
Jamestown Tax Levy in 2017 was Below State Average, But Tax Rate was Still Second Highest in NY
JAMESTOWN - Later this year, Jamestown city officials will be focusing their attention on the 2019 City Budget. In October Jamestown Mayor Sam Teresi will present his executive spending plan to the Jamestown City Council, which will then have the … [Read more...]
Jamestown, Falconer, Ellicott Officials Still Await Date for Annexation Hearing in Appellate Court
ROCHESTER - It's still not known when a state appellate court will hear arguments involving Jamestown's proposed annexation of a piece of city-owned property located in the village of Falconer / Town of Ellicott. The Appellate Division of the New … [Read more...]
[LISTEN] Community Matters – Mayor Sam Teresi August 2018 Interview
MOBILE APP USERS: LISTEN HERE Originally airing Thursday, Aug. 16, 2018. Public affairs director Jason Sample talks with Jamestown Mayor Sam Teresi in his monthly interview on WRFA. This month Teresi offers an update on several initiatives the … [Read more...]
City, Union Continue to Await Announcement of Arbitration Decision
JAMESTOWN - The wait continues for a decision regarding the arbitration case between the city of Jamestown and its police officer's union. That from Jamestown Mayor Sam Teresi, who told WRFA during his August interview it's still not known when … [Read more...]
Swanson Calls for More Funding in DAs Office to Help Deal with Ever-Increasing Case Load
MAYVILLE - Chautauqua County District Attorney Patrick Swanson is again making the case for more funding in his office. The DA appeared before the county’s public safety committee for the second time in as many months yesterday to discuss the … [Read more...]