JAMESTOWN - It will be a busy night at city hall for the Jamestown City Council Monday as members continue to review the 2019 budget while also attending their monthly voting session. BUDGET HEARINGS CONTINUE Budget hearings for the city … [Read more...]
[LISTEN] Jammers Will ‘Go Dark’ in 2019 and Reorganize Under New Ownership
JAMESTOWN - The Jamestown Jammers collegiate league baseball team won’t be taking the field in 2019. That was the news delivered Wednesday during a press conference at Russell E. Diethrick Jr. Park as the owners of the collegiate team – ROC … [Read more...]
City Officials Reserve Comment on Recent Arbitration Ruling
JAMESTOWN -Jamestown mayor Sam Teresi and his staff are staying tight-lipped regarding the recent decision of an arbitration panel involving the city and its police union. On Wednesday a ruling was posted by the Public Employment Relations Board … [Read more...]
State Appellate Court Will Likely Hear Closing Arguments in Annexation Case Early Next Year
JAMESTOWN - The wait continues on the outcome of a legal case that could have huge financial implications for the city of Jamestown, along with the Town of Ellicott, Village of Falconer, and Falconer School District. It's been over a year since … [Read more...]
[LISTEN] 2019 Proposed City Budget Contains Slight Tax Reduction, Additional State Aid of $1 Million
JAMESTOWN - Mayor Sam Teresi has proposed a 2019 city budget that will see a slight decrease in the property tax rate. On Tuesday afternoon Teresi rolled out his $36 million proposed spending plan, which contains a $0.13 per $1,000 property tax … [Read more...]
Teresi to Present 2019 City Budget Tuesday Afternoon
JAMESTOWN - Mayor Sam Teresi will present his executive budget for next year during a presentation Tuesday in City Hall. Under the city charter, the Mayor is required complete and present his budget by Oct. 8 each year, unless the day falls on a … [Read more...]
Recovery Movement Supporters Recognized at Recovery Walk and Jam at MHA
JAMESTOWN - National Recovery Month was celebrated in Jamestown recently with a Recovery Walk and the honoring of three individuals for their substantial contributions to the recovery movement locally. The Walk began and ended at the Mental Health … [Read more...]
Gateway Lofts Project Receives Endorsement from State and County Officials, Mayor Teresi Withholding Judgement
JAMESTOWN - Mayor Sam Teresi said he’s holding off on weighing in on a proposed $34 million housing development project until more details come forward. In August the Southern Tier Environments for Living (STEL) used the city's Strategic Planning … [Read more...]
[LISTEN] Community Matters – Sam Teresi September 2018 Interview
MOBILE APP USERS: LISTEN HERE Originally airing Thursday, Sept. 12, 2018 WRFA public affairs Director Jason Sample talks with Jamestown Mayor Sam Teresi about the upcoming city budget, a pending constable appointment, the possibility of … [Read more...]
Artone Announces $500,000 Contract with Downtown Hotel Developer
JAMESTOWN - A partnership between Artone Manufacturing in Jamestown and the Hamister Group from Buffalo was announced Wednesday morning at Artone's headquarters on Allen Street. Artone, a local furniture company, will provide product for the … [Read more...]