A resolution to continue the additional 1% sales tax in Chautauqua County has been referred back to committee. The current sales tax in Chautauqua County is 8%, with the county required to make a request to New York State every two years for any … [Read more...]
County Legislature Passes Resolution Aimed At Restoring Commercial Air Service to Jamestown Airport
The Chautauqua County Legislature has passed a resolution looking to restore commercial air service at the Jamestown Airport. The resolution, which was passed unanimously, comes on the heels of an Air Service Recovery Plan that was presented to … [Read more...]
New Legislative Leaders Announced at County Legislature Reorg Meeting
New legislative leaders were announced during the Chautauqua County Legislature's reorganizational meeting Thursday night. Legislator Jamie Gustafson has been named by Republicans as the Majority Leader of the County Legislature with Legislator … [Read more...]
County Legislature Appoints Nacole Ellis as New Republican Election Commissioner
The Chautauqua County Legislature has appointed Nacole Ellis as the new Republican Election Commissioner and reappointed Luz Torres as the Democratic Election Commissioner. Legislature Chairman Pierre Chagnon apologized to legislators for bringing … [Read more...]
County Legislature Holding Emergency Meeting To Appoint Election Commissioners
The Chautauqua County Legislature will have an emergency meeting tonight. Legislature Chairman Pierre Chagnon called the meeting that will take place at 6:30 p.m. in the Legislative Chambers. The purpose of the meeting is to consider a … [Read more...]
County Legislator Dave Wilfong Announces His Resignation
Republican County Legislator Dave Wilfong has announced his resignation from the Chautauqua County Legislature. Wilfong, who represents District 11 in the city of Jamestown, was the Majority Leader of the Legislature as of this term. He announced … [Read more...]
Former County Legislator Jay Gould Has Died
Longtime former Chautauqua County Legislator Jay Gould has died. Gould died Monday, April 1. He represented Legislative District 17 that encompassed the towns of Clymer, Panama, Harmony, and Busti from January 2000 until his retirement in … [Read more...]
New County Legislators Sworn In, Jamestown Legislator Wilfong Named Majority Leader
Five new members and 14 returning members were swore into the Chautauqua County Legislature at its reorganizational meeting Tuesday. The City of Jamestown has two new representatives with Republican Phil Landy being sworn in to represent District … [Read more...]
County Legislature Approves $290 Million County Budget With Significant Tax Decrease
The Chautauqua County Legislature has approved the 2024 County Budget with its largest tax decrease in 41 years. The $290,839,312 budget includes an 89-cent tax rate decrease. Democrats in the Legislature attempted to amend the budget twice to … [Read more...]
County Legislature Chairman Reacts to Proposed 2024 County Budget
Chautauqua County Legislature Chairman Pierre Chagnon said it's "heartwarming" to see the increases in the County's full value assessment. He said this increase allows the tax rate to decrease substantially which benefits all property … [Read more...]