The City of Jamestown’s Nuisance Officer position is set to return following Jamestown City Council’s approval for Jamestown Police to hire five police officers. Council approved the resolution at their Monday night voting session. Jamestown … [Read more...]
City Council To Review Resolution To Hire 5 Police Officers
Jamestown City Council will review a resolution to hire five new Police Officers at their work session tonight. Jamestown Police Chief Tim Jackson stated at a December work session that there are several vacancies in the Police Department. Those … [Read more...]
Nuisance Officer Title Suspended Due To Vacancies in Jamestown Police Department
Vacancies in the Jamestown Police Department have led to the temporary suspension of the Nuisance Officer position. Jamestown City Council members learned Monday that Officer Zach Sandberg, who had been hired as the City's Nuisance Officer since … [Read more...]