A family support group will be restarting in person at the Mental Health Association in Chautauqua County to give families and friends options for helping those with substance use issues. MHA Associate Director of Student Activities Ken Yergens … [Read more...]
MHA Offering ‘Movement Is Medicine’ Class
The Mental Health Association in Chautauqua County is now offering "Movement is Medicine," a free fitness training group, at their Jamestown location. MHA volunteer and certified personal trainer Brian Mayo is leading the group that meets at … [Read more...]
Drug Overdose Deaths Up in Chautauqua County
Drug overdose deaths are on the rise in Chautauqua County for this year from 2020. Chautauqua County Mental Hygiene Grant Director Steve Kilburn said overdoses, compared to last year, are relatively flat, "Deaths, however, have more than doubled in … [Read more...]
County Health Department Holding Vaccination Clinic at MHA
The Chautauqua County Health Department is holding a COVID-19 vaccination clinic from 10:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. this Wednesday at the Mental Health Association’s Jamestown location. This is a walk-in clinic and no appointment is necessary. The … [Read more...]
Jamestown Pride and Fenton History Center Announce “National Coming Out Day” Event
JAMESTOWN - Jamestown Pride and the Fenton History Center have announced an online event to celebrate “National Coming Out Day” on Sunday, Oct. 11. The event will feature local members of the LGBTQIA+ community sharing their stories about … [Read more...]
Sundquist Proclaims June as Pride Month in Jamestown
JAMESTOWN - Mayor Eddie Sundquist made an official proclamation on Monday declaring the month of June as Pride Month in the city of Jamestown. The proclamation (provided in its entirety below) was done to show support for the members of the … [Read more...]
Virtual Hope and Healing Conference to Focus on Mental Health and Chemical Dependency Resources
MAYVILLE - (MEDIA RELEASE) - The Hope and Healing Conference of Western New York (WNY) is changing format to allow those in the community to attend virtually on a web conferencing platform to comply with social distancing. The planning committee of … [Read more...]
Jamestown Pride 2020 Event Canceled Due to COVID-19, Plans Underway for 2021 Event
JAMESTOWN - The Mental Health Association in Chautauqua County and the Jamestown Pride Steering Committee have announced that the inaugural Jamestown Pride event, scheduled for June 13, 2020, has been canceled. An event for June 2021 will continue to … [Read more...]
High Risk for Overdose in Chautauqua County
19 reported overdoses March 1-11 MAYVILLE - The Chautauqua County Department of Health and Human Services (CCDHHS) is warning people that there has been a spike in non-fatal overdoses, which may be a sign that a strong batch of heroin is in the … [Read more...]
Mental Health Association: Options During the Stress of the Holidays
JAMESTOWN - Googling “stress and the holidays,” you quickly learn that stress is to be expected this time of year, and there are many suggestions for how to handle it. Stopping by the Jamestown office of the Mental Health Association in Chautauqua … [Read more...]