JAMESTOWN - The Jamestown School Board has approved the appointment of a new principal for Jamestown High School starting next school year. During Wednesday night's board meeting, the board acted on making Dr. Rosemary Bradley the next JHS principal … [Read more...]
[LISTEN] Jamestown Veteran Honored with High School Diploma During May 22 School Board Meeting
JAMESTOWN - The Jamestown School Board on Wednesday awarded Jamestown resident and Vietnam veteran Timothy Pickett with a high school diploma, 50 years after he was to graduate from Jamestown High School. Pickett left school early in October 1968 … [Read more...]
Jamestown School Board to Appoint New High School Principal Wednesday Night
JAMESTOWN - The Jamestown School Board will hold a meeting Wednesday night at the administration building on Martin Road for a regular board meeting. Among the items that will be acted on is the appointment of a new principal to Jamestown High … [Read more...]
17 of 18 School Districts in Chautauqua County See Budget Approval
JAMESTOWN - Tuesday was a successful day for passing school budgets for nearly every district in Chautauqua County. According to the Post-Journal, all local school districts saw their budget approved by local voters except for the Clymer Central … [Read more...]
Voters to Act on 2019-20 Jamestown School Budget that Includes No Tax Increase on Tuesday
JAMESTOWN - Voters around the county will be heading to their local school polling places Tuesday to vote on next year's school budget, along with candidates for their respective school boards. In Jamestown, voters will act on the $90.7 million … [Read more...]
Slagle, Pawelski will Run Unopposed for New Terms on Jamestown School Board
JAMESTOWN - There are two seats up for a vote in this year's Jamestown School Board elections but when voters go to the poles on May 21 they will only have two names to choose from - and both are incumbents who already sit on the board. According … [Read more...]
Public Hearing on Jamestown School Budget is Tuesday, May 7
JAMESTOWN - The Jamestown School Board will hold a Public Hearing regarding the proposed 2019-20 Budget on Tuesday, May 7 at 6 p.m. in the Persell Middle School auditorium. The $90.7 million Proposed Budget - which includes no tax increase - is … [Read more...]
Jamestown School Board Unanimously Approves 2019-20 School Budget
JAMESTOWN - The Jamestown School Board Tuesday night unanimously approved a $90.7 million spending plan for next year that includes no tax increase. The board reviewed the revised budget proposal presented by both school superintendent Bret … [Read more...]
Jamestown School Board to Finalize 2019-20 Spending Plan Tuesday Night
JAMESTOWN - Jamestown school officials will finalize the 2019-20 school budget when they meet Tuesday for a regularly scheduled school board meeting. Officials started preliminary discussion and review of the nearly $90 million budget last month, … [Read more...]
Jamestown School Officials Begin Interviews for New High School Principal
JAMESTOWN - The search for a new principal at Jamestown High School is underway. That's according to Superintendent Bret Apthorpe, who told WRFA last Thursday that the process of reviewing prospective candidates started earlier this year and a … [Read more...]