The petitioning process for the two Jamestown Board of Education seats that are up for election has begun. The terms for School Board members Joe Pawelski and Pat Slagle expire on June 30, 2022. The three-year term for each seat begins July 1, … [Read more...]
Jamestown School Board to Vote on Purchasing Parking Lot, Establish New Capital Reserve Fund
The Jamestown School Board will consider a resolution tonight to purchase a parking lot for use by Jamestown High School faculty and students. The resolution would allow the Jamestown School District to pay $225,000 to purchase five parcels on … [Read more...]
[LISTEN] Community Matters – Jamestown Public Schools 2022-23 Budget Presentation – March 10, 2022
Listen to the Jamestown Public Schools' proposed 2022-23 budget presentation to the Jamestown School Board on March 1, 2022. … [Read more...]
Masks are Optional in Jamestown Public Schools Starting Wednesday
Jamestown Public Schools staff and students will not be required to wear masks in school starting Wednesday, March 2. Superintendent Dr. Kevin Whitaker said, following the updated guidance from Governor Kathy Hochul, Chautauqua County government … [Read more...]
JHS Scholar Athletes, Football Team Recognized at School Board Meeting
Scholar athletes and the Jamestown High School Football team were recognized for their efforts at the Jamestown School Board meeting Tuesday night. Athletic Director Ben Drake said studies have shown that inter-scholastic athletics improve … [Read more...]
Jamestown School Board Approves New JHS Mascot
The Jamestown School Board unanimously approved the "big, red cat" as the new Jamestown High School mascot. The new mascot is a nod to JHS history as the first mascot appeared in 1948 as a red, big cat. The Jamestown Board of Education voted to … [Read more...]
Jamestown Public Schools Working On Multi-Year Financial Plan
The Jamestown Public School District is working on developing a multi-year financial plan. District Director of Budgets and Finance Brittnay Spry made a presentation to the School Board Tuesday on the plan. She said the district is in a much … [Read more...]
Jamestown School Board to Vote February 1 on New Mascot, Logo
The Jamestown School Board will vote at its February 1st meeting on the new mascot and logo for Jamestown High School. Board President Paul Abbott said he will present a resolution to accept the proposed change of the mascot to the "big cat" that … [Read more...]
Jamestown Schools Offer ‘Test To Stay’ for COVID-19 Starting This Week
Jamestown Public Schools will start offering "Test to Stay" (TTS) protocol in regards to COVID-19 this week. The district said the protocol is being done under the direction of the Chautauqua County Health Department. TTS is a modified quarantine … [Read more...]
Jamestown School Board to Discuss Proposed Mascot at its Meeting Tuesday
The Jamestown School Board will be discussing the proposed new mascot and logo at its meeting tonight. The mascot committee presented a proposal by 360 Graphics to change the high school's mascot and logo to a "big cat" at the December 7 meeting … [Read more...]