The Jamestown Mobile Market will make a return starting this week at select locations. Food Access Manager Nick Weith said access to fresh food remains an issue through the winter months in Western New York, “We are exploring ways we can offer … [Read more...]
Jamestown Mobile Market Farm Share Sign-Ups Start Friday
Sign-ups for a food program that supports the Jamestown Mobile Market open this Friday. Food Access Manager Nick Weith said that the Community Supported Agriculture (CSA), or farm share program, is a collaboration with farmer vendors from the … [Read more...]
Empty Bowl Event to Benefit Jamestown Mobile Market, St. Susan To Be Held Saturday
St. Luke's Episcopal Church will host its Third Annual Empty Bowl event this Saturday. The event will take place from 11:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. on December 7 in the Undercroft of St. Luke's Episcopal Church and features hundreds of hand-crafted … [Read more...]
50,000 Pounds of Food Distributed Through Grow Chautauqua Pilot Program
The Grow Chautauqua pilot program has distributed over 50,000 pounds of food to Chautauqua County communities so far this season. Cornell Cooperative Extension of Chautauqua County oversees the program, which is funded by the USDA and NY State … [Read more...]
TCC Community Picnics Set For Aug. 6 in Jamestown, Aug. 8 in Dunkirk
The annual TCC Community Picnics are set for August 6 in Jamestown and August 8 in Dunkirk. TCC Health is holding the picnics in celebration of National Community Health Center Week. The events will take place from 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 … [Read more...]
TCC’s VeggieRx Program Returns
The Chautauqua Center has announced the return of the VeggieRx Program for patients of the community health center. TCC is partnering with the Jamestown Mobile Market for the fourth year in a row on the program that provides fresh, healthy produce … [Read more...]
Empty Bowl Project Returns to St. Luke’s Episcopal Church December 9
St. Luke's Episcopal Church and the Jamestown Public Market are teaming up with the Chautauqua Area Potters to host the Empty Bowl Project in Jamestown on Saturday, December 9. The event will take place from 11:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. in the Church … [Read more...]
Cornell Co-Op Ext of Chautauqua To Create ‘Grow Chautauqua Food System’ Program
Cornell Cooperative Extension of Chautauqua County is using a new state grant to create the "Grow Chautauqua Food System Program." The $800,000 in funding is coming from the New York Food for New York Families program. CCE has posted a position … [Read more...]
Jamestown Public Market Director Linnea Haskin Resigns
Jamestown Public Market Director Linnea Haskin has announced her resignation. The Jamestown Public Market Advisory Board sent out a letter to Public Market Supporters, vendors, and CSA members about the news, saying Haskin has, "served this role … [Read more...]
Jamestown Mobile Market’s Begins Season Today
Jamestown Public Market's Mobile Market begins its season today. The Mobile Market brings fresh, local food to five sites around Jamestown on every Wednesday and Thursday through September 28. Jamestown Public Market Food Access Coordinator … [Read more...]