A parent is suing the Jamestown Public Schools District for allegedly being negligent in protecting its students from bullying. Tammy Hagga, who is the parent of J.H., alleges that her daughter was “bullied, harassed, discriminated against, and … [Read more...]
JHS Production of ‘Les Misérables: School Edition’ Starts Tonight
The Jamestown High School production of “Les Misérables: School Edition” starts tonight and can be seen through March 15. The musical is based on the novel by Victor Hugo, with music by Claude-Michel Schonberg and lyrics by Herbert Kretzmer. It is … [Read more...]
[LISTEN] YWCA Jamestown Broadscast: Ep 58 – Teen Talk – Building Stronger Community with Jamestown High School
YWCA Jamestown’s Broadscast features members of the local YWCA Jamestown team discussing a variety of issues and topics with various guests from the Jamestown and Chautauqua Region. On this episode, the hosts speak with local teens about building … [Read more...]
[LISTEN] Jamestown High School Holidays In Poetry – 2024
The Holidays in Poetry project returns to Jamestown High School in 2024. The project involves students from JHS writing original works of poetry focusing on the holiday season. The Project was coordinated Jamestown High School English teacher Betsy … [Read more...]
JHS Construction Continuing, Pool To Reopen in November
Construction is continuing at Jamestown High School with plans for the pool to reopen in November. Jamestown High School is undergoing a $20 million capital improvement plan. Superintendent Dr. Kevin Whitaker said work is continuing on … [Read more...]
Homecoming Festivities Underway at Jamestown High School
Homecoming festivities are underway this week at Jamestown High School. Events scheduled this year include a Spirit Week, athletic events throughout the week, the annual parade, a dance, and a powderpuff flag football game. Homecoming athletic … [Read more...]
Jamestown Schools To Increase Police Presence Following Rumors of Threats
Jamestown Public Schools buildings will have a increased police presence today following rumors of threats to the school. JPS officials sent an automated message to parents Tuesday night saying that they were aware of rumors circulating amongst … [Read more...]
Post-Pandemic Attendance, Chronic Absenteeism Rates Improving in Jamestown Schools
Post-Pandemic attendance and chronic absenteeism in Jamestown Public Schools is improving. JPS Superintendent Dr. Kevin Whitaker, presenting to the Jamestown School Board, said the average daily attendance is dramatically up since 2020, "And … [Read more...]
Julia Kinney Appointed Assistant Principal at JHS
The Jamestown School Board has approved the appointment of Julia Kinney to serve as an assistant principal at Jamestown High School. Kinney succeeds Allyson Smith, who was appointed to serve as the building’s principal in January. A Randolph … [Read more...]
JPS Capital Projects Wrapping Up For Start of School
The Jamestown School Board received an update on three buildings undergoing capital projects this summer. JPS Director of Buildings & Grounds & Transportation Carl Pillittieri said the work at the Tech Academy, Fletcher … [Read more...]