The Holidays in Poetry project returns to Jamestown High School in 2024. The project involves students from JHS writing original works of poetry focusing on the holiday season. The Project was coordinated Jamestown High School English teacher Betsy … [Read more...]
[LISTEN] JHS Poetry 2023: Poetry Is…
Students from Jamestown High School share their original poetry, inspired by the theme "Poetry Is..." The poem were written and recorded after students from Elizabeth Rowe-Baehr's 9th grade English classes worked with Sony Ton-Aime, who serves as the … [Read more...]
[LISTEN] Small Things Considered: Where Poetry Lives – Original Poetry by Students from JHS
Students from Jamestown High School share their original poetry, inspired by the theme "where poetry lives." The poem were written and recorded after students from Betsy Rowe-Baehr's 10th grade English classes worked with Sony Ton-Aime, who serves as … [Read more...]