Governor Kathy Hochul signed a legislative package Wednesday that includes strengthening early voting practices. All voters will now be able to mail in their ballot during the early voting period — not just those with valid, approved … [Read more...]
New York’s Congressional Representatives Send Bipartisan Request to Trump Administration for Federal Coverage of COVID-19 Costs
WASHINGTON - New York’s entire 28 member bipartisan delegationsent a letter to President Donald Trump on Friday requesting his administration expeditiously grant the state a waiver to provide 100% federal funding for all Federal Emergency Management … [Read more...]
Governor Calls for Redistribution of Ventilators and PPE to Areas that Need it Most
ALBANY - Governor Andrew Cuomo Friday said he will issue an Executive Order allowing the state to redistribute ventilators and personal protective equipment (PPE) from in-state institutions that don't currently need them and redeploy the equipment to … [Read more...]