The City of Jamestown will hold its 2nd Annual Trick or Treat Trail on Saturday, October 28. The free event will take place from 5:00 to 7:00 p.m. along the Greater Jamestown Riverwalk. The kid-friendly event will begin at Panzarella Park and go … [Read more...]
Leaf Collection Begins In Jamestown on October 30
Leaf collection begins in the City of Jamestown on Monday, October 30. The Jamestown Department of Public Works advises residents to rake leaves to the terrace area behind the curb and not into the street. Please refrain from placing any trash, … [Read more...]
Grant Applications Being Accepted for Healthy Homes Program In Jamestown
The City of Jamestown and Chautauqua County Health Department are partnering to offer a grant to help city residents make their homes healthier and more safe. The Healthy Homes Production grant program was funded with $2 million from the U.S. … [Read more...]
Sidewalk Plowing Program For Jamestown Public Schools Moving Forward This Winter
A sidewalk plowing program between the City of Jamestown and Jamestown Public Schools will move forward this winter. Interim DPW and Parks Director Mark Roetzer informed City Council that the two new sidewalk plows that the school district … [Read more...]
City Holding Bulk Trash Recycling Day Sat. October 21st
The City of Jamestown is holding a Bulk Trash and Electronics Recycling Amnesty Day this Saturday. Residents may bring bulk trash and old electronics for recycling to Bergman Park between 8am and noon on Saturday, October 21. Residents must … [Read more...]
City of Jamestown Proposing To Install Full-Color Illumination Lights on Main Street Viaduct
The City of Jamestown is proposing to contract with a company to provide illumination of the North Main Street viaduct. The resolution would contract with Stark Tech Group for $45,712 in American Rescue Plan funds. City Council had approved … [Read more...]
City Looking at Modular Homes As Way to Improve Housing Stock
The City of Jamestown is looking at modular homes as a way to possibly bring in new housing stock to the city. Director of Development Crystal Surdyk said there's plenty of housing in the city but not "great quality housing stock," "There's a lot … [Read more...]
City Reminds Residents Theft, Vandalization of Political Signs a Crime
The City of Jamestown is reminding residents that the theft and vandalization of political campaign signs will not be tolerated. The City put out a release stating it's a crime to steal political signs, and the theft and vandalization of political … [Read more...]
Jamestown’s Homeowner Mini Grant Program Accepting Applications Starting August 24
Applications for the City of Jamestown's Homeowner Mini Grant program will start being accepted August 24. The program was funded with $500,000 in American Rescue Plan monies in June 2022. Eligible applicants may receive up to $2,500.00 for … [Read more...]
County Planning Board Approves Motion of Support For JCC Diethrick Stadium Plan
The Chautauqua County Planning Board has approved a motion of support for Jamestown Community College's Diethrick Stadium Multi-Sport Athletic Complex plan. The Board, which is advisory in nature, heard a presentation about the $30.3 million … [Read more...]