MAYVILLE - The search will continue for an invasive plant that was recently detected in the waters of Chautauqua Lake. Chautauqua County Executive Greg Edwards has announced that a a second mass search for water chestnuts will be held Saturday, … [Read more...]
MORNING NEWS: Public Input Session on Lake Management Plan is Tonight in Stow
MAYVILLE - Chautauqua County and the Chautauqua Lake Management Commission (CLMC) have taken important steps towards the development of the required in-lake management plan to address nuisance aquatic plants. After assembling funding and developing a … [Read more...]
MORNING NEWS: State Provides Funding for Chautauqua Lake Watershed
MAYVILLE - Chautauqua County will be getting a boost in funding from New York State to help implement agricultural best management practices in the French Creek and Chautauqua Lake watersheds. Recently, Governor Andrew Cuomo awarded Chautauqua County … [Read more...]
Aquatic Research Firm Discusses Dredging During Public Info Session
ASHVILLE - The issue of dredging Chautauqua Lake was discussed in Ashville last night by a firm hired to look for ways to reduce weeds and improve the health of the lake. According to the Jamestown Post-Journal, 35 people showed up to the BOCES in … [Read more...]
MORNING NEWS: County Lawmakers Unable to Pass Amendment that Would Curtail Fund Balance Spending
MAYVILLE - The Chautauqua County Legislature will be able to continue taking money out of its fund balance with a simple majority vote. That after lawmakers defeated a local law amendment last night in Mayville that would have required a 2/3 vote by … [Read more...]
MORNING NEWS: Edwards Announces Hotline for Reporting Water Chestnut Sightings
MAYVILLE - Chautauqua County Executive Gregory J. Edwards announced today that a Watershed Hotline has been setup for residents to report sightings of the invasive water chestnut in Chautauqua Lake. Residents can now call the following toll-free … [Read more...]
MORNING NEWS: New Invasive Plant Threatens Lake Environment
MAYVILLE - Chautauqua County Executive Gregory Edwards says a new invasive aquatic plant has been discovered in Chautauqua Lake. This past weekend, two specimens the plant commonly known as a water chestnut (Trapa natans) were collected by EcoLogic … [Read more...]
MORNING NEWS: County Lawmakers Consider Fund Balance Ammendment
MAYVILLE – The Jamestown Post-Journal is reporting this morning that Chautauqua County lawmakers have mixed feelings on a local law amendment that would require a super-majority vote for fund balance appropriations. Earlier this week, both the … [Read more...]
Chautauqua Lake Association Receives $50,000 in Additional Funding from State
LAKEWOOD - Chautauqua Lake will see $50,000 in additional money to help with the removal of weeds. The news came late last week as state Senator Cathy Young and Assemblyman Andy Goodell announced that they were able to secure the money to help the … [Read more...]
Bemus Point – Stow Ferry Back In Operation
STOW - The Bemus Point–Stowe Ferry on Chautauqua Lake is once again in operation. On Friday, officials held a grand opening for the ferry, which had to wait to begin service this year because it failed to meet certain state regulations for water … [Read more...]