Jamestown City Council will decide whether to move forward with hiring eight firefighters using federal grant funds. The City of Jamestown received $1.8 million in Staffing for Adequate Fire and Emergency Response (SAFER) Grant Program funds for … [Read more...]
Jamestown Local Development Corporation Approves Over $360,000 for Chadakoin River Bank Stabilization, Debris Removal
The Jamestown Local Development Corporation board has approved over $360,000 toward Chadakoin River bank stabilization and debris removal. Chautauqua Watershed Conservancy Conservation Director Twan Leenders presented a request for $362,925 in … [Read more...]
Roseland, Willard Park Improvements Among ARP-Funded Projects Given Initial Greenlight by City Council Committees
Several ARP-funded parks projects have been given the go-ahead in committee by Jamestown City Council. Parks Manager Dan Stone presented to Council about projects that would utilize $221,000 of American Rescue Plan funds. Stone said the … [Read more...]
Chautauqua Soil and Water Receives Over $500,000 for Watershed Improvement Projects
Chautauqua County Soil and Water Conservation District has received over $500,000 with four other communities receiving $180,000 from New York State for water quality improvement projects. The grants are through the State Department of … [Read more...]
City Council to Hear Proposal to Use $721,000 in ARP Funds for Parks Projects, Including Two Splash Pads
Jamestown City Council will hear a presentation on $721,000 worth of American Rescue Plan funded parks projects that include two Splash Pads at its work session tonight. Resolutions pre-filed include $500,000 toward the construction of splash pads … [Read more...]
Local Organizations Team Up Against Starry Stonewart in Chautauqua Lake
Local Lake and Watershed organizations have teamed up against the invasive species, starry stonewart, in Chautauqua Lake. Starry stonewort can easily be mistaken for an aquatic plant at first glance. It first made its way to North America in 1974 … [Read more...]
Chautauqua Co. Soil and Water Conservation District Receives $353k Grant to Help Farms
The Chautauqua County Soil and Water Conservation District has received nearly $354,000 for two projects to help farms protect clean water. The funding through the State's Agricultural Non-point Source Abatement and Control program will support … [Read more...]
Chautauqua County Soil & Water Receives Over $1 Million in Agricultural Water Quality Conservation Funds
The Chautauqua County Soil and Water Conservation District has received over $1 million for agricultural water quality conservation projects. The funding was announced as part of $14 million being awarded to 25 County Soil and Water Conservation … [Read more...]
Over $4.7 Million in Economic Development Funding Coming to Chautauqua County
ALBANY - Governor Andrew Cuomo on Thursday announced the recipients of $700 million in economic and community development funding through Round 6 of the Regional Economic Development Council initiative. A centerpiece of the Governor's strategy to … [Read more...]
Jamestown Communty College Invites Public to Attend Earthfest 2014
JAMESTOWN - Jamestown Community College’s annual Earthfest to celebrate Earth Day will be held from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. Wednesday, April 23 at the Jamestown Campus. The event, sponsored by JCC’s Earth Awareness Club, Student Senate, and the college … [Read more...]