The Chautauqua County Legislature unanimously approved the appointment of Luz Torres as the Democratic Election Commissioner. Torres was the original name submitted by the County Democratic Committee back in October 2020, but was never acted on by … [Read more...]
Green to Run for County Executive
MAYVILLE - The Chautauqua County Board of Elections has posted the final list of candidates for the 2021 local elections and Norman Green, Chautauqua County Democratic Committee Chairman (and County Democratic Election Commissioner until Thursday) is … [Read more...]
Green Resigns as County Election Commissioner
MAYVILLE - Chautauqua County's Democratic Election Commissioner Norm Green announced his resignation from that position. In a media release sent out late Thursday afternoon, Green announced he was resigning and that Deputy Democratic Election … [Read more...]
[LISTEN] Community Matters – Chautauqua County Democratic Chair and Election Commissioner Norm Green
Current Chautauqua County Democratic Election Commissioner and Chautauqua County Democratic Committee Chair Norman Green joins us on Community Matters. Green talks about why he filed a lawsuit against the County Legislature to prevent the appointment … [Read more...]
[LISTEN] Community Matters – Andrew Kolstee, Chairman of Chautauqua County Libertarian Party: Feb. 18, 2021
Andrew Kolstee, chair of the Libertarian Party of Chautauqua County, joins us to discuss the removal of the libertarian party from the New York State election ballot in 2021, and why he and others feel that has led to a disenfranchisement of their … [Read more...]
[LISTEN] Jamestown City Council Hears from NCC Executive Director to Discuss Ward 3 Polling Location
JAMESTOWN - The executive director of the National Comedy Center says organization wants what's best for the Jamestown community and said that everyone is on the same team, working toward the same goal. Journey Gunderson appeared during the … [Read more...]
National Comedy Center Executive Director to Meet with City Council to Discuss Ward 3 Polling Site
JAMESTOWN - The executive director of the National Comedy Center will be meeting with city officials next week to further discuss the issue involving using the NCC's gift shop as a polling site on election day. Executive Director Journey Gunderson … [Read more...]
City Council President Suggests Alternative Locations for Ward 3 Polling Site
JAMESTOWN - It appears the Chautauqua County Board of Elections (BOE) will be looking at a couple of alternative locations for a polling site in downtown Jamestown. During Monday's Jamestown City Council meeting, county election commissioners … [Read more...]
County Board of Elections Will Work with City Officials to Discuss Alternative Polling Site for Ward 3
JAMESTOWN - The Chautauqua County Board of Elections says it has the final say in selecting the polling location for a group of voters in Jamestown - even if that means keeping it at the National Comedy Center (NCC) on W. Second Street. However, the … [Read more...]
[LISTEN] Community Matters: Chautauqua County Election Commissioners Norm And Brain Abram – January 2021
Chautauqua County Election Commissioners Brian Abram and Norm Green discuss several issues facing the BOE at the start of the new year - including searching for a possible new polling site location for Ward 3 voters in Jamestown, getting a new … [Read more...]