MAYVILLE - Thursday was the deadline for candidates to hand in their petitions to the Chautauqua County Board of Elections in order to to run for office in the 2017 general election. This year’s election features races for several local offices, … [Read more...]
County Board of Elections Prepares for Busy Election Day
MAYVILLE - Election Day 2016 is less than 24 hours away and here in Chautauqua County, the Board of Elections says it’s ready for what is anticipated to be a record voter turnout. VIEW LIST OF CANDIDATES Polls will be open from 6 a.m. to 9 … [Read more...]
Board of Elections Announces Extended Hours for Wednesday, Saturday
MAYVILLE - The Chautauqua County Board of Elections, located at 7 N. Erie St. Mayville, will be open late Wednesday night and Saturday morning to facilitate one stop absentee voting. The election office is open daily from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. … [Read more...]
Dem Chair Calls Out Young for Distributing Campaign Style Literature with Taxpayer Money
JAMESTOWN - The chairman of the Chautauqua County Democratic Committee is taking Sen. Catherine Young’s (R-Olean) office to task for sending out campaign-style mailers using taxpayer money, less than a month before the General Election. Chairman … [Read more...]
The Deadline to Register to Vote in Time for the 2016 General Election is Oct. 14
MAYVILLE - There’s just about one month remaining before the 2016 General Election, and anyone wishing to vote in this year’s election needs to be registered within the two weeks. According to the Chautauqua County Board of Elections, the deadline … [Read more...]
Sullivan Wins GOP Primary for Family Court Judge
MAYVILLE - Fredonia area attorney Michael Sullivan has won the Republican primary for Chautauqua County Family Court Judge. According to the Chautauqua County Board of Elections, Sullivan brought in nearly 1,355 votes, compared to the 958 votes … [Read more...]
Registered Republicans, Reform Party Members can Vote in Tuesday’s Chautauqua County Primary
MAYVILLE - Tuesday is primary day for local offices in New York State, and while members of the Democratic party won’t have any reason to go to the polls here in Chautauqua County, Republicans and two dozen Reform Party members will. A Republican … [Read more...]
County BOE Reminds Residents to Look Out for Voter Mail Check Cards
MAYVILLE - Postal Workers across Chautauqua County have started to deliver nearly 70,000 “mail check cards” to the county’s registered voters. According to Chautauqua County Board of Election officials, State and federal law requires that most … [Read more...]
County Legislature to Consider Salary Increases for Executive, Clerk, and Sheriff; Increasing Term Lengths
MAYVILLE - The term length for members of the Chautauqua County Legislature could be getting longer, and the salary for the county executive, county sheriff and county clerk could also be seeing an increase. The Chautauqua County Legislature will … [Read more...]
Residents Vote Against Prendergast Library Tax
JAMESTOWN - Voters in Jamestown have overwhelmingly rejected an $850,000 tax referendum for the James Prendergast Library. The vote on the library Funding Initiative took place Tuesday at the Prendergast Library, with any eligible voters in the … [Read more...]