JAMESTOWN - There may be some major news involving economic development for downtown Jamestown next week. Governor Andrew Cuomo has made stops in five different cities across the state this week to announce $10 million in economic development … [Read more...]
County to Receive $138,000 in FEMA Funding to Help with Counterterrorism Efforts
ALBANY - Governor Andrew Cuomo announced that more than $24 million in federal funding has been awarded to New York State in support of its counterterrorism efforts across the state. Locally, Chautauqua County will see about $138,000. The … [Read more...]
State Announces Hotline for Reporting Zombie Properties
ALBANY - New Yorkers who are concerned with vacant or abandoned houses in their neighborhood can now report them to a state agency. On Tuesday Governor Andrew Cuomo announced the creation of a Zombie Property hotline at the New York State … [Read more...]
Cuomo Announces LGBT Memorial Commission, Designates Stonewall Inn as Historic Site
NEW YORK - The 2016 New York City LGBT Pride Parade took place on Sunday with perhaps the largest attendance in its history, along with the highest amount of security the event has ever seen. Governor Andrew Cuomo kicked off the 46th annual Pride … [Read more...]
U.S. Supreme Court Refuses to hear Appeal for SAFE Act Ruling
WASHINGTON – The U.S. Supreme Court on Monday refused to hear a legal challenge that claimed the assault weapons ban included in New York’s SAFE Act was unconstitutional. Without comment, the justices declined to review a lower-court ruling that … [Read more...]
New York Farm Bureau will Fight Lawsuit Calling for Farm Workers’ Right to Organize
ALBANY - The New York Farm Bureau says it plans to help fight a lawsuit filed against the state challenging a law that exempts farm workers from the right to organize. The legal challenge was filed in May by the New York Civil Liberties Union. … [Read more...]
State Lawmakers Approve Legislation to Combat Heroin, Opioid Crisis
ALBANY - Lawmakers in Albany are making headway in passing legislation prior to the end of the legislative session, which is set for tomorrow. On Tuesday Governor Andrew Cuomo and legislative leaders announced a final agreement on new legislation … [Read more...]
[LISTEN] Reed Calls for Defeat of Radical Islamic Terror in Wake of Orlando Mass Shooter
WASHINGTON - As thousands in Orlando turned out Monday to mourn 49 people killed inside an LGBTQ nightclub, federal investigators examined possible motives for the gunman who committed the worst mass shooting in modern U.S. history. The White … [Read more...]
Governor Cuomo Responds to Orlando Mass shooting
ALBANY - New York Governor Andrew Cuomo has responded to the Orlando mass shooting. Early Sunday morning a shooter, identified as Omar Mateen, opened fire on attendees at The Pulse, a gay nightclub in Orlando, Fla., killing a reported 50 people, … [Read more...]
Governor’s Heroin and Opioids Task Force Announces Final Report and Recommendations
ALBANY - Governor Andrew Cuomo Thursday announced the final report and recommendations from his Heroin and Opioids Task Force, which is comprised of diverse group of experts in healthcare, advocacy, education, law enforcement, as well as parents and … [Read more...]