State Senator George Borrello is calling Governor Kathy Hochul’s budget proposal “unsustainable”
Governor Kathy Hochul has proposed a $252 billion state budget that Borrello says has increased from $175 billion, or about a 45% increase, in the five years since he first took office.
Borrello said he and other representatives are still unpacking what’s included in the proposed spending plan due to how much policy is included in it.
He said Medicaid spending has continued to skyrocket and there needs to be measures that “root out the waste, fraud and abuse,” “New York goes out of its way to not only have the most expensive Medicaid program as far as benefits but also actively encourages people to go on Medicaid. When I became a Senator, 1 in 3 New Yorkers, so a third of New Yorkers, were on Medicaid. Now it’s approaching half. Nearly half of New Yorkers are on Medicaid.”
Borrello said he does support Hochul’s proposed initiatives regarding people with violent mental illnesses, “Unfortunately, we’ve seen that most recently with deaths unnecessary caused by people who should have never been on the streets. So, while I support what she’s proposing, we’re already hearing from the people on the left who don’t believe we should be holding anyone accountable for anything whether they be violently mentally ill or criminal, we’re already seeing them saying they’re going to push back against the Governor’s proposals, but I do support her in that.”
Borrello said he also can get behind proposals that strengthen drugged driving laws, especially with the legalization of recreational cannabis. He said that unfortunately Hochul’s track record isn’t great on following through with what she has proposed.
You can hear the full interview with Senator Borrello tonight at 5:00 p.m. on Community Matters on 107.9 fm WRFA-LP.
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