Congressman Tom Reed (R-Corning, NY 23) at Artone Manufacturing in Jamestown on Monday, July 10, 2017.
JAMESTOWN – Chautauqua County’s representative in Congress was in Jamestown Monday to tour a local manufacturing plant and promote a new piece of legislation coming before the House later this week.
Rep. Tom Reed (R-Corning, NY 23) was at Artone Manufacturing on Allen St. Monday morning to promote the upcoming Smart Manufacturing Leadership Act. Reed said the legislation is geared toward small and medium sized manufacturers across the country and will focus on creating programs and funding that will lead to greater efficiency and cost savings.
“It focuses on becoming more efficient, utilizing resources like our energy in a cost-effective manner, respecting sustainability, and making sure that if there are opportunities from lost revenue lines that you may see from product that may go into the landfill, giving it a reuse type of adaptation, so that you get a new revenue line from what used to be a cost,” Reed said. “That type of smart manufacturing is the wave of the future.”
Reed said that the effort has received initial bipartisan support, with both Vermont Democrat Rep. Peter Welch, who’s co-sponsored the bill, along with Ohio Democrat and Manufacturing caucus co-chair Rep. Tim Ryan.
“We are at the point where we can drop the legislation, move it forward, and see what opportunities there are to get it to the finish line, especially with the [Trump] administration,” Reed said, adding, “The administration has put a new priority on U.S. manufacturing. Also, when you look at what we’re doing on the trade side and when you talk about tax reform, which we are playing an integral part in, I think that all dovetails nicely to develop a manufacturing plan to make sure we do this in the most efficient and effective ways to make sure our manufacturers can grow and prosper.”
Congressman Reed also noted that there is no funding earmarked for the legislation. He said it first must clear the house and the senate before funding sources can be identified and set. He said the legislation will be rolled out later this week in the house, but is still currently seeking a sponsor in the Senate.
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