WASHINGTON – Congressman Tom Reed (R-Corning) says a recent regulatory change at the federal level proves that the controversial practice of horizontal hydraulic fracking (hydrofracking) should be allowed in New York State.
On Monday Reed released a statement, urging Gov. Andrew Cuomo to lift the state’s ban on hydraulic fracking, citing new environmental regulations handed down by the Obama administration that green light hydraulic fracking on federal lands, so long as the companies doing the drilling provide specific information about the chemicals being used in the process and properly treat and dispose of the water that is used.
Reed said that with the new rules, it’s time for Gov. Andrew Cuomo to reconsider the fracking in New York.
“I am calling on Gov. Cuomo to reverse his ill-conceived fracking ban that infringes on constitutionally protected property rights,” Reed said in a released statement. “If the Obama administration and even California Gov. Jerry Brown can side with farmers and landowners, now is the time to undo such a damaging and job-killing policy.”
Fracking was under a moratorium in New York for more than five years as state officials studied the environmental and health implications of the process. At the end of last year, the Gov. announced that a permanent ban would be put in place, barring hydro fracking from taking place anywhere in New York State.
Environmental groups called the ban a victory, while business groups and community leaders in the southern tier said the ban was another punch in the gut to an already stagnate and struggling economy.
G says
Reed you always support the idea of the states right to determine policy. NY State did it with a ban on fracking and the right thing was done. Do not try to undermind what the people want. Go to North Dakota and see what a nightmare fracking has created.