The brownfield area in Jamestown that will be covered by a state grant awarded to the city in 2013. (Image from Jamestownny.net)
JAMESTOWN – Residents who want to provide input on how to redevelop an area of land near the Chautauqua Lake outlet in Jamestown will want to attend a public meeting next week at the Jackson Cetner.
At 6:30 p.m. Tuesday city officials and Brownfield project consultants from Joy Kuebler Landscape Architect will host a public informational meeting on how to possibly redevelop the Chadakoin River West Brownfield Opportunity Area.
The land covers the area from Washington Street to Jones and Gifford Avenue and from the border of the city around Clifton Avenue to McCrea Point Park.
Brownfields are dormant properties where the presence or potential presence of contamination has impeded site redevelopment, turning the properties into economic and environmental drains on localities. The BOA grants provide funding for municipalities to implement revitalization strategies that are necessary in order to redevelop impacted sites. Once redeveloped, brownfield sites become community assets that can attract businesses, jobs, and ultimately expand the local tax base.
The redevelopment study is being conducted to due to a $269,000 state grant awarded in 2013.
For more information, visit the website chadakoinrevitalization.com.
Chautauqua Lake has an abundance of algae for quite some time. What about a Biofuel Production facility and or cogeneration plant. http://energy.gov/eere/articles/making-algal-biofuel-production-more-efficient-less-expensive