A comparison between expenses and revenue for both this school year and next school year for the Jamestown Public School District, under the proposed 2020-21 school budget.
JAMESTOWN – The public hearing for the Jamestown Public Schools’ 2020-21 proposed budget will be held remotely on Monday, June 1 at 6 p.m.
On May 19 the Jamestown School Board unanimously approved the $88.3 million budget that includes no property tax increase.
The total spending is nearly $2.7 million less than the current year’s spending plan and includes the temporary elimination of the Success Academy and P-Tech programs, seven layoffs, the elimination of all field trips, and the holding off on hiring 40 new employees – including 23 teachers.
The austere spending plan is due to the state saying all schools in New York could see as much as a 20% reduction in state aid due to a downturn in the economy caused by COVID-19.
More details on the budget are provided on the school website.
The public can access the Budget Hearing at JPSNY.org/BudgetHearing. There are also directions on this page for community members who would like to participate in the live broadcast Budget Hearing with questions or comments. The public can also email questions or comments in advance to the BOE @ jpsny.org by noon on June 1 to have them read during the Budget Hearing. Any questions? Please email BOE @ jpsny.org.
The budget vote is being done by absentee ballot with the deadline for submission be 5 p.m. Tuesday, June 9. There are two propositions on the ballot.
- The first proposition is for the JPS Proposed 2020-21 Budget not to exceed $88,313,671, which includes NO tax increase.
- The second proposition is the Prendergast Library Association asking the public to approve a tax levy of $350,000 for the purpose of funding the library.
In addition to the June 1 budget hearing, School Superintendent Bret Apthorpe will be holding his next weekly Facebook Live update on Friday, May 29 at 10 a.m. to update and answer questions for students and parents. Join the conversation at Facebook.com/JamestownPublicSchools/.
During its weekly update sent out on Friday, May 22, the district reported that its Food Service Department served 10,600 meals on Thursday alone for the Memorial Day Weekend. Since school buildings have closed, they have served 146,000 school meals. School meal pick up for JPS students is available Monday through Friday from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. at Jefferson, Persell and Washington Middle Schools and Jamestown High School. Our meal pick up service is not available on Saturday or Sunday. Please bring extra bags on Fridays to pick up weekend meals. Weekly menus are posted at jpsny.org/meals.
For details about Learning at Home during COVID-19, visit the district’s Continuing Instruction Plan at JPSNY.org/ContinuingInstruction. If a student or parent needs technical support for their iPad or Chromebook device, please send an email to techsupport @ jpsny.org or call 716-483-4242.
Also, Jamestown community childcare program still has spaces available. Priority will be given to parents who work in healthcare, public safety, and first responders. If you have a child age 3 to 11 and are in need of childcare, please reach out to childcare @ jpsny.org and/or call 716-203-1539 for information. Please be ready to provide proof of employment when registering.
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