Jamestown District Assistant Superintendent for Finance & Operations Brittnay Spry presents 2025-26 School Budget to the Jamestown School Board (March 11, 2025)
The proposed 2025-26 Jamestown Public Schools District budget has no tax increase and the addition of 14 teachers.
The Jamestown School Board heard the details of the preliminary budget from District Assistant Superintendent for Finance & Operations Brittnay Spry Tuesday night.
She said Foundation Aid from the state is increasing $6.5 million with overall revenues increasing nearly $10 million. Spry said Building Aid also is seeing an increase from the state.
The proposed budget is balanced with expenditures coming in at $115,658,398.
In addition to retaining the 81 positions added using American Rescue Plan funds, there will be an addition of 12 reading positions and 2 elementary art teachers.
A capital outlay is planned that includes a $450,000 heating project at Persell Middle School and a $100,000 upgrade of the playground at Lincoln Elementary. The district also proposes replacing safety and security radios. Additionally, the purchase of six diesel engine school buses is part of the budget.
Superintendent Dr. Kevin Whitaker said a “relentless focus on a 10-year plan” is the reason why the District remains in good fiscal health. The District hasn’t had a tax increase since the 2015-2016 budget.
The ballot that goes before voters on Tuesday, May 20 will include the proposed $115.6 million budget, a proposition to create a Capital Reserve Fund with up to $10 million, and a proposition to create a Funding Repair Reserve that’s funded with $1.5 million from the District’s unappropriated fund balance.
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