A program to install 1,000 carbon monoxide detectors in Jamestown homes has been approved by City Council.
The Jamestown Fire Department received $176,297 in funding from the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission for the purpose of establishing the Carbon Monoxide Prevention Program.
Deputy Fire Chief Matt Coon said the next step is to purchase the equipment needed, including the combination smoke-carbon monoxide detectors, “My office is already receiving requests to have some of these devices installed. I think this program is going to be very successful and it’ll be a popular program. We really just strive to educate the public on the dangers of carbon monoxide poisoning because you can’t smell it, you can’t taste it. You really need a monitoring device that will look for those kind of things and the more that we can get those out there into people’s homes, the safe the community will be.”
Coon said the screening process for who will receive a detector is still being worked on, “The Fire Prevention Bureau is who is actually going to be going out to do the installs. So, we’re going to try to prioritize the list the best we can under the terms of the grant for those who are most in need to be able to receive those with a higher priority. We will be installing a thousand of them. This will be the largest undertaking we’ve done with a program of this type, so it’ll take some time to have all those installs take place.
Coon said they hope to begin the program by Spring.
Homeowners who are interested in being considered for a detector may call the Fire Prevention Bureau’s Office at 716-483-7597.
Joanna. Snyder says
Thank you Mayor