JAMESTOWN – The Jamestown Police Department is reminding local residents to always lock your vehicles when they are left parked and unattended.
Police say that even if the vehicle is parked in your own driveway it should be locked. It is not uncommon for individuals to go around and check vehicles to see if they are unlocked, as the individuals are looking for valuables to take and sell for money or to trade for drugs.
City police get complaints of larcenies from unlocked vehicles and items reported stolen at all times of the year. These cases are often untraceable. Valuables such as wallets with large sums of money, computers, or other high value items should never be left inside unattended in an unlocked vehicle.
In addition Firearms should NEVER be left in any unattended vehicle at ANY time. Individuals who have pistol permits who leave their weapons in an unattended vehicle and then have them stolen are subject to having their permits suspended and their privilege to carry a weapon revoked upon judicial review.
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