Several officials were on hand for the Ribbon Cutting of Phase IV of the Riverwalk project, including, from left to right: Jamestown Mayor Sam Teresi, NY Assemblyman Andy Goodell, District Director of NY Parks System Mark Thomas, County Executive Greg Edwards, Lisa Vanstrom (from Senator Cathy Young’s office) and Bob Young (representing local foundation interests in project). (Photo by Jason Sample/WRFA)
JAMESTOWN – It was a day of celebration for local officials in Jamestown Tuesday as dozens gathered on the north shore of the Chadaokion River to celebrate the completion of another leg of the city’s Riverwalk project.
Jamestown Mayor Sam Teresi joined several others – including State Assemblyman Andy Goodell, State Parks representative Mark Thomas and recently appointed Gebbie Foundation CEO (and current County Executive) Greg Edwards – in celebrating the completion of phase IV of the Greater Jamestown Riverwalk Project and the groundbreaking of phase V.
Teresi said that the Riverwalk project again proves that regardless of political difference, local leaders do have the ability to work together for the common good of the community.

Jamestown Mayor Sam Teresi addresses those who gathered for the ribbon cutting of Phase IV of the Riverwalk Project. (Photo by Jason Sample/WRFA)
“This project is the latest example of not only what we are able to do, but more importantly, when we choose to work together in the interest of the community,” Teresi explaiend. “When we become creative and when we become inclusive – bringing together folks, mainly from the private community level – there’s literally nothing that we can’t accomplish.”
Phase IV of the Riverwalk project included an additional 1,000 feet of paved walkway along the northern shore of the Chadakoin River just to the west of Main Street. The project also included lighting, riverbank stabilization, benches and picnic tables.
In all, it cost $319,000 for the project to be completed, with $150,000 coming from the city and $150,000 coming in the form of the New York State Environmental Protection Fund. An additional $19,000 came from the Gebbie Foundation.
Edwards said the project is an example of a good investment for the community, which will eventually lead to other future investments and developments in the city.
“Chautauqua County and the city of Jamestown are good investments. And good investments and proven investments draw more money, more commitment and more investment, and that’s what we’re seeing here. It’s great to hear backhoes and hear trains go through and see beautifully restored train stations. That’s a result of all your efforts.”
In addition to celebrating Phase IV of the riverwalk, officials also broke ground on Phase V, will will be located on the northwest side of the city and create a cooridor from an area near McCrea Point Park through Chadakoin Park and to Clifton Avenue on the northside of town. The total cost of that portion of the project will be $525,000 and will again be provided by the state and the city.
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