New York State is sending out $475 million in tax relief for families and low-income individuals.
The New York Department of Taxation and Finance will soon begin sending direct financial assistance to 1.75 million New Yorkers who received the Empire State Child Credit and/or the Earned Income Credit on their 2021 state tax returns. New Yorkers can expect to receive their checks by the end of October.
Governor Kathy Hochul and the state legislature approved the Additional NYS Child and Earned Income Tax Payment as part of the 2023 Budget. The program will provide an average payment of $270 per eligible recipient. Eligible New Yorkers do not need to take any action to receive their checks. Checks will be mailed automatically.
New Yorkers who have recently moved should update their address with the Department of Taxation and Finance to prevent delays in receiving their checks. To do so, they can create an account on the Department’s website and follow on-screen instructions to complete required fields and save their updated address. The website to do that or check your tax relief eligibility can be found here:
In every single stimulus Governor Hochul has offered she left out seniors. The property tax rebate is NOT for people with enhanced Star. I understand families are having a tough time but so are seniors. Seniors have paid property & school taxes for all their working life. Now, we are left behind because Kathy Hochul refuses to recognize our contribution to NY State.
Exactly seniors are left out every damn time…we lost our usefulness…
I totally agree with you! I’m not a total senior yet. But they leave out the people that don’t have kids anymore also and that are disabled and who are low income because they are on SSDI. So I feel your pain.i have contributed to NY state as well and I can assure you the disability population has a same feeling as do you.
September is almost over and nothing has been sent out to anyone. Also New York is a disgrace approving out pinched pennies to their people while other states send their residents out thousands of dollars of assistance to get through Inflation that isn’t our fault.
Governor gave home owners in New York a stimulus but not low income renters now she’s giving child tax credit and earn income credit a stimulus nothing nothing for seniors or disability all low income New Yorkers our governor really need to go on news media and explain why
As a senior I have called the Governor, sent messages, & even talked to Tax & finance Department. She has a deaf ear for seniors. Maybe seniors should ignore Hochul when it comes to voting in November. I already have my vote by mail documents.