In 2017 a group of residents stood at the corner of Main and Second Streets in downtown Jamestown, next to the building that houses Congressman Tom Reed’s office, to voice their concerns with recent news coming out of Washington involving President Trump. Another Impeachment rally is scheduled for Tuesday afternoon, Dec. 17, 2019 at the same location.
JAMESTOWN – On Tuesday, December 17 at 4:30 p.m., the night before the U.S. House of Representatives votes to Impeach President Donald Trump, a group of concerned citizens will gather outside congressman Tom Reed’s (R-Corning, NY 23) district office at 2nd and Main as part of the nationwide “Nobody Is Above the Law” rallies.
Following the rally at Congressman Reed’s office, participants will then march to Dow Park at W. 6th and Washington.
The event in Jamestown will be one of the hundreds of actions occurring nationwide in all 50 states and Washington, D.C.
The local event is being organized by Chautauqua Progressive Action and is part of a massive, grassroots effort across the country to ensure Congress holds Trump accountable for using military aid to pressure Ukraine to interfere in the U.S. presidential 2020 elections. Protesters will demand that the House of Representatives fulfills its constitutional duty by impeaching Trump and that the Senate remove him from office for attempting to rig the 2020 elections.
“Congress must show that no one—including the criminal in the White House—is above the law,” organizers stated in a media release sent out Tuesday morning.
Activists will use hashtag #NotAboveTheLaw to engage communities on social media. Information about other events can be found at Impeach.org.
Chautauqua Progressive Action is a grassroots group of concerned citizens formed in 2017 and committed to promoting progressive values through social and political action. Participants from nearby Cattaraugus and Warren counties are also expected to join the Jamestown march.
Our President did not withhold aid to Ukraine to impede the 2020 elections. The only reason it was even brought up was to evaluate what other countries were investing in Ukraine so as to make sure all are paying their fair share. Just like he has been doing with everything else. The US piggy bank is closed.
All those BIG protesters crowd what a joke!!! They should just go home. President Trump will take 2020 election again!