JAMESTOWN – People’s experiences with a diagnosis of a disability will be explored when The Resource Center holds its sixth annual Educational Conference on Tuesday, September 24. The conference is titled “Life After Diagnosis” and will be held in TRC’s Administrative Offices at 200 Dunham Avenue, Jamestown.
The keynote speakers will be Mike Berkson and Tim Wambach from Handicap This Productions, a disability entertainment company. Berkson, who has cerebral palsy, is an aspiring film maker and author. Wambach, who has worked as a youth trainer, speech coach and camp counselor for children with special needs, ran 700 miles between Chicago and Orlando to raise awareness about cerebral palsy.
The conference also will include several other speakers and a panel discussion in which individuals with disabling conditions will provide their perspectives on how people can better support their life aspirations.
The conference will begin with registration from 9:00 to 9:30. The conference is scheduled to end at 4:30. The $70 registration fee includes a light breakfast and a boxed lunch. A limited number of scholarships may be available to cover the registration fee of family members wishing to attend the Educational Conference.
For information or to register, phone 485-7219 or e-mail paula.johnson@resourcecenter.org.
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