Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s approval rating continues to slide, but more than twice as many New York voters still approve of the job he’s doing than disapprove, according to a poll released last week.
Quinnipiac University found Cuomo with a 55 percent approval rating, compared to 27 percent who said they do not approve of the job Cuomo’s done. That’s down from 59 percent who approved on Jan. 30, which dropped sharply from 74 percent in December after he ushered through new, stricter gun-control laws early this year. Cuomo’s rating was hurt, in part, by a drop in Republican support.
But while Cuomo’s approval rating slipped, voters still approve of the state’s new gun-control measures at a high rate. Sixty-four percent of voters support the laws—which instituted a broader assault-weapons ban and further limits on magazine size—compared to 31 percent who oppose them.
pystew says
Reblogged this on New NY 23rd and commented:
With the bad press about the SAFE Act, I am pleasantly surprised by this report.I wonder what his ‘Upstate Numbers’ are. This is important to the NY 23rd for the 2014 race–getting the vote out for Cuomo will be a key factor in electing a Democratic for Congress.