Hotspot Cafe owner Hector Alverio recognized by Small Business Association and SBDC JCC (May 1, 2023)
Several local small businesses, including Hotspot Cafe, were recognized as part of Small Business Awareness Week by officials in Fredonia.
Congressman Nick Langworthy said small businesses should be celebrated every day, “More than half of Americans either work for or own a small business. Small businesses create about two out of every three new jobs in America. I mean, think of that. They aren’t the backbone, they’re the whole body. And our nation’s success is dependent upon new businesses. And it’s so incumbent upon us as leaders to create the landscape upon which small businesses can be conceived and thrive.”
According to a proclamation by Chautauqua County Executive PJ Wendel, there were 367 new start-ups and small business certificates issued in 2022 in the county.
At the ceremony Monday, DFT Communications was recognized for their 125 years of operation in the county. DFT President Kris Maytum said the company started in 1898 when a telephone was installed at the family’s grocery store. Arthur Maytum then created Dunkirk & Fredonia Telephone Company and became its first customer.
The Small Business Development Center at Jamestown Community College and the Small Business Association also presented an award to Hotspot Cafe owner Hector Alverio, who was recognized as Western New York District Minority Small Business Person of the Year.
The local SBDC Entrepreneur of the Year awards were presented to the owners of Portage Pie in Westfield and to Lumi Cafe in Chautauqua Insitution.
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