Members of the county Community Justice Coordinating Council – including Sheriff James Quattrone (left) – during the panel’s September 2019 meeting.
MAYVILLE – The issue of criminal justice reform and the impact its had on law enforcement across the state will likely be the main topic of discussion when Chautauqua County’s Community Justice Coordinating Council holds its January meeting Wednesday in Mayville.
The council – which includes various members from local law enforcement including the sheriff’s office, the county DA’s office, and the county probation department – was created a couple years ago to identify and address issues and challenges in the local criminal justice system. For much of 2019 the panel’s main focus was on the state’s criminal justice reforms, which include eliminating bail for non violent crimes as well as changing rules involving discovery.
Now that the reforms are fully in place, the council will likely get an update on how they have impacted law enforcement and prosecution at the local level.
Wednesday’s meeting of the council is at 1 p.m. in the Gerace Office building in Mayville and is open to the public.
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