JAMESTOWN – A special comedy show featuring three different comedians of different faith and focusing on bringing people together will be taking place Thursday night at the Reg Lenna Center for the Arts.
The “Laugh In Peace” comedy show is presented by the National Comedy Center and features comedians Rabbi Bob Alper, the Rev. Susan Sparks and Gibran Saleem. It’s appeared everywhere from The World Bank in Washington, DC to the Palestinian Fest in Houston ,building bridges and reconciling differences through humor.
Rabbi Alper spoke with WRFA on Wednesday and said the comedians do the show in various locations to help bring people together.
“We did a show years ago at the University of California Riverside and there was some really nasty graffiti on campus a few weeks before we got there. But by the time we got there, the Muslim kids were selling tickets, the Jewish kids were preparing food. They were hanging out together and laughing together. I always say, ‘When you laugh together you can’t hate each other.’ We present material that is appropriate for people of all faiths and no faiths and they laugh together and they bond and it is wonderful to see,” Alper said.
The three will perform at 7 p.m Thursday inside the Reg Lenna. Tickets are available at ComedyCenter.org.
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