A conference call with Congressman Tom Reed (R-Corning, NY 23) and regional media representatives. Held Tuesday morning, Feb. 14, 2017. Among the issues discussed…
- The upcoming Feb. 18 Town Hall Meetings on the western side of the District, including two in Chautauqua County;
- The resignation of General Micheal Flynn as National Security Advisor for the Trump administration;
- The House Ways and Means Committee’s decision not to call for a review President Trump’s tax records;
- Update on the effort to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act.

Rep. Tom Reed (R-Corning)
The Trump administration is not “getting stronger and stronger.” They are closer and closer to indictments and I’m amazed that my congressman is still tied to this corrupt administration.
Today’s NYT shows that the Trump campaign had repeated contacts with Russian intelligence. Congressional Republicans should be calling for a thorough and independent investigation, not being boosters for this tainted president.