JAMESTOWN – A group of concerned residents are continuing to air their grievances over changes being made at the James Prendergast Library.
Last night, the library board held a work session meeting that served more as a community forum, with those in attendance voicing their concerns and asking questions regarding the library’s direction since its new executive director, Linda Mielke, took over last November. Both Mielke and board members responded to various questions and concerns during the meeting, which had more than 50 people in attendance and lasted for two hours.
Among the items of concern were alleged changes in the library’s collection policy, how the library was spending its money, and staff morale.
As for the issue of cutting back or reducing items in the library’s collection, including magazines and periodicals, board member Thomas Rankin explained that the decision came as a result of the board wanting to extend hours of service.
“We’re going to do our best to extend the hours and re-open on Sunday so that our marvelous collection is available even more often during the week. That comes at a price,” explained Rankin, adding, “That means we have to save money in other areas of our budget. We asked Linda to come up with a plan that was expense-neutral, to extend the hours and open on Sunday. We can’t keep certain things and [in addition] extend the hours of the library. So we made a conscious, rational decision. You may agree with it or not, but that was the vote of this board – to extend the hours and take the savings in other areas of the library.”
Concerns were also raised regarding the disappearance of items in the library’s non-fiction and reference collections. While some in attendance – including former employees – claimed that more than 2000 books had be discarded and thrown out, Mielke and library assistant director Tina Scott explained that number was exaggerated, and only a small quantity of the books were actually taken of the shelves. One resident questioned the statements and requested the board provide a detailed list of all the books that had been pulled in an upcoming meeting.
Residents also wanted to know specifics regarding the library budget as well as the effort to upgrade the library’s five-year strategic plan. The board said it would make an effort to post the budget on the library’s website and in the meantime it will be made available for anyone who requests it. As for updating the five-year plan, the library board members said they plan to move forward with that effort in the coming months.
Following the work session, board member Paul Leone said he and other board members are aware of the concerns and he was happy the public showed up to get answers from the board. He also expects the process will continue.
“The public is going to be showing up from here on out at all the board meetings and the board is going to be forced to address the concerns as part of the board meetings, which to me means that other business before the board is going to be delayed or addressed at a different time or not considered,” Leone told WRFA following last night’s work session.
The Library Board will have its regular meeting this afternoon at 12:15 p.m. In addition to regular business, the board will review the library code of conduct and will also hear from Habiterra architecture firm, which will give a presentation regarding proposed capital improvements project. The meeting will take place in the library’s fireplace room and is open to the public.
- Library Board Meeting – April 19, 2012 Agenda
- Pat Anzideo Letter to the Board – April 7, 2012
- WRFA Community Matters April 5, 2012 – [AUDIO] An interview with Prendergast Library Directory Linda Mielke and Prendergast Library Board President Tom Price.
- WRFA Community Matters March 29, 2012 – [AUDIO] An update on the Prendergast Library, with audio from the March 22 library board meeting and the March 26 Jamestown City Council Meeting.
- Reni Bob Letter to the Board – March 22, 2012
- Reni Bob Letter to the Board – March 21, 2012
- Tom Price Response to G. Rabb – March 8, 2012
- Greg Rabb Letter to the Board – March 1, 2012
- Cheryl Johnson Letter to the Board – March 2012
- Prendergast Library Forum 02-28-2012 – Part One [Complete Audio]
- Prendergast Library Forum 02-28-2012 – Part Two [Complete Audio]
A restaurant in Jamestown that serves only Chateaubriand will soon be out of business. A restaurant with a well rounded menu, including hamburgers, will survive. Elitism is not the answer for the library.