Jamestown School board member Dan Johnson (left) will be running for reelection during the May 19 school vote. However, fellow board member Laurel Lucas (right) will not be seeking a fifth term on the board.
JAMESTOWN – Even though the school elections and related budget votes are still nearly two weeks away, it’s already known that the Jamestown School Board will have a new member when the new session begins in July.
Current board member Laurel Lucas will not be seeking another term in office. She was first elected to the board in 2003 and served four consecutive terms. Her current term expires on June 30 and she did not submit a petition to have her name appear on the ballot for the upcoming May 19 vote.
The likely replacement will be Jamestown resident Nina Karbacka, who is one of two candidates who will appear on the ballot. The other candidate is current board member Dan Johnson. Karbacka and Johnson were the only two residents to hand in petitions by the April 29 deadline, which are needed to get a name on the ballot. Only two seats are up for a vote in this year’s election.
Meanwhile, district residents will also have the opportunity to vote on the $77.6M budget that cuts 16 positions and includes a 1.5 percent tax increase. The school will hold a public hearing for the budget on May 12 at 7 p.m. at Percell Middle School. The budget should also be available at the school’s website – jamestownpublicschools.org. Physical copies of the budget can also be reviewed at the school administration building.
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