JPS Board President Paul Abbott, Superintendent Dr. Kevin Whitaker, District Clerk Juanita Walter (May 17, 2023)
The Jamestown High School Varsity Boys Swimming team will be merging with three other districts for the 2023-24 school year.
Jamestown School Superintendent Dr. Kevin Whitaker said the merger with Frewsburg, Southwestern, and Falconer is due to number of participants across all four districts. Frewsburg will be the host school.
School Board member Christine Schnars questioned why a school the size of Jamestown is having trouble with student participation in sports and other activities.
Whitaker said he had had that same discussion with Athletic Director Ben Drake and PTO President Joanne Dean, whose son is on the swim team, “Post COVID, the pretty dramatic drop off in interest in student participation in clubs, and activities, and sports. So, both of those things together, we have an issue as do many other school districts.”
Whitaker said he doesn’t have an answer for why participation is down specifically for the swim team.
Board President Paul Abbott wondered if the school’s Community Navigators could have a role in encouraging students to participate in extra curriculars, “That ought to be a task of somebody to reach some of these kids and get them into sports or music. It certainly enhances their educational experience but also, statistically, it absolutely increases their chances of graduating.”
Board Member Joe Pawelski shared that band and orchestra instruments had been purchased for students to use as well as demonstration programs held for elementary students to try out instruments to increase their interest in playing.
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