From left, Deb Rein, Washington Middle School English teacher; Andrea Marsh, Washington Middle School assistant principal; Heidi Maggio, Lincoln Elementary School third grade teacher; Drew Maggio, Lincoln student; Diana Meckley, of the Kiwanis Club; and Cindy Johnson, Love Elementary School principal stand with copies of Charlotte’s Web by E.B. White.
Jamestown Public Schools students will be reading “Charlotte’s Web” as part of an all-district read that starts today.
Approximately 2,500 elementary and middle school students were given copies of the book by E.B. White as part of the national family literacy program called One District, One Book.
The program is made possible by non-profit, Read to Them.
Bush Elementary School Principal Kate Benson said staff and families from all eight elementary and middle schools helped select Charlotte’s Web. Each school nominated titles that were available in both English and Spanish and then all staff and families voted from that list of nominations.
In school, students will have assemblies around the book, answer trivia questions, and engage in creative extension activities including an upcoming field trip to a local farm.
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