JAMESTOWN – Democrats in the city of Jamestown are mobilizing in preparation for the local elections to be held this year in November.
Jamestown City Democratic Committee Chairman Jim Walton is reporting that a sub-committee has been set up to review and update the local party’s platform, which will serve as the basis for candidates running in this fall’s election.
Walton says city residents Frank Besse will chair the committee, along with Vanessa Weinert and County Legislator Chuck Nazzaro.
In a statement, Walton said the party is at a point in time when voters are questioning everything that is going on locally and across the country, and new directions and new energy is needed to move ahead.
Walton said he hopes the party can craft a platform that is representative of what is needed, and strike a balance between that and what we can afford.
Comments and suggestions on the platform from local Democrats are not only welcome, but encouraged. You can contact Frank Besse at frankrbesse @ gmail . com or Jim Walton at jimwalton422 @ msn . com .
Debora Warner says
We as Democrats need a clear message for the party, that will motivate the voter. I was shocked at how many Republicans there are that needs to change. When I first registered to vote we were known as the working man’s Party and I can not even tell you what we are about. You need a website that gives clear information. I wanted to make it to the monthly meeting on the 16th but was unable to go . I would have wasted my time because it ended up being a dinner meeting at a different site in fairness it was posted on the day of the event people need more notice so they can plan. How often do you canvas the county colleges for students that may be interested in the process or to register them. I do want to make it to a meeting so I hope to be able to attend in April
Frank Besse says
Please email myself or Jim so we can get you on the email list for future meetings. Normally, our meetings are on the second Thursday of the month, but may be changing that in April and May. The meeting that you refer to that is on the 16th (tonight) is a meeting that is in addition to the monthly meetings that are held. Thanks for your input and hope to hear more from you.
Stella Young says
Thank you for stepping up! Please spread information and word of meetings widely. We want to be more than vocal. We want to be involved in creating change.