A wind farm in Wyoming County, NY gives an idea of the size and scope of the turbines that may soon be put in place in Villenova and Hanover. (Photo from the Buffalo News)
JAMESTOWN – The Chautauqua County Industrial Development Agency has authorized a payment in lieu of tax (PILOT) agreement for a proposed wind farm in the north county.
According to an article in the Post-Journal, the IDA’s board of directors met on Tuesday and authorized a deviation from uniform policy for the Ball Hill Wind Energy Project. The deviation approval was necessary because wind farms are not included in the county’s tax exempt policy.
According to the paper, the wind farm will bring over $300,000 a year to the county, towns of Hanover and Villenova and school districts within the towns via Payment in Lieu of Tax – or PILOT – agreements.
The Ball Hill Wind Energy Project plans to place more than 29 turbines in Villenova and Hanover.
A final resolution authorizing the project will likely be considered in December once a final environmental impact statement is complete.
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