A guide aimed at helping businesses get people to relocate to Chautauqua County is now available.
The Chautauqua County Industrial Development Agency and the Chautauqua County Partnership for Economic Growth worked on publishing the updated version of the Chautauqua County Relocation Guide.
First published in 2019, the 27-page Relocation Guide was created to help provide key information about the county, including the character and location of community amenities, events, places to recreate and spend leisure time, and the industries located here, as well as information about schools, the cost of living, and housing.
The 2024 edition of the guide provides updated information, and also leverages branding of the recently launched Live CHQ talent attraction and retention initiative.
CCIDA CEO Mark Geise said employers are being encouraged to use the guide and Live CHQ website as tools to help inform and educate prospective employees about the benefits of the area.
Hard copies of the guide are available for businesses while a digital version is available at livechq.org.
Any local employer, realtor, or community group in the south county interested in receiving the guide can contact CCIDA and CCPEG Marketing and Communications Coordinator Jason Sample at 716-661-8302 or by emailing SampleJ@chqgov.com.
Copies can also be picked up during regular business hours at the CCIDA and CCPEG Jamestown or Dunkirk offices.
It’s too bad that Chautauqua Co. is in New York State. I moved to PA 13 years ago to escape the high taxes in NY. PA treats senior citizens MUCH better than NY does. I like Chautauqua Co., just not the government.
Getting people to move here? Really? You gouge, you didn’t take care of your existing properties, you don’t take care of the major issues that have been a problem for many years. Over – priced slums, pestilence,mold, discrimination, unlawful treatment of elderly, disabled, and unfortunate people that need housing, education, and HEALTH CARE, yet you give yourselves raises. Your gender biased, and no wonder the population has dropped dramatically.
Federal money taken, promises made and never kept. Yet you believe you’re superior and entitled. May God have mercy on your souls.