Non metal knives that are undetectable, like this one made by Lansky, will soon be illegal to own in New York State
ALBANY – Governor Andrew Cuomo Tuesday signed legislation approved earlier this year by the state legislature that prohibits the manufacture, transport, shipment, and possession of knives that are undetectable by a metal detector. Possession of such weapons will now be considered a Class A misdemeanor and is punishable by up to a year in jail.
“Undetectable knives are meant to be used by trained members of our police and military forces for covert operations — not regular civilians attempting to sneak weapons past metal detectors,” Governor Cuomo said. “By signing this measure into law, we will keep these deadly knives out of dangerous hands and help ensure our airports, courtrooms and other public buildings are safe.”
Recent technological developments, such as laser cutting machines, have led to the fabrication of knives using materials that are undetectable by metal detectors. According to the governor’s office, these knives pose a serious threat to public safety and risk the health and well-being of all New Yorkers. This measure helps protect New Yorkers by making it illegal for any person to knowingly possess, manufacture, sell or transport such knives in New York State.
“Undetectable knives made with composite and ceramic blades are difficult or impossible to detect with current security equipment, according to security experts and knife manufacturers. Such knives, sold openly and legally in retail stores, through mail-order catalogs and on the Internet, expose a major loophole, presenting a severe security risk to any building that utilizes a metal detector for the prevention of violence or possible terrorist acts. I thank my legislative colleagues for supporting this bill and applaud Governor Cuomo for signing this into law,” said Senator Diane Savino.
Members of the military and police officers may continue to carry these weapons for official use.
The law goes into effect on November 1, 2019.
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