Fredonia State professor and researcher Dr. Sherri Mason speaking to the Chautauqua County Legislature in 2015, prior to its vote on a local law banning the sale of products containing microbeads.
FREDONIA – A Fredonia State science professor is once again receiving national and international attention for research she’s done on the impact plastic has on the environment.
Dr. Sherri Mason, a professor of chemistry and chair of the Department of Geology and Environmental Sciences at the State University of New York at Fredonia, has led research that has found microscopic particles of plastic (microplastics) in nearly all major brands of bottled water.
The global study of 250 bottles from nine countries found that there were typically 10 plastic particles per liter of bottled water. Each particle is larger than the width of a human hair.
Mason was recently interviewed by a production crew from the BBC, where the study was first reported.
Mason’s past microplastics research also gained attention both locally and nationally, leading to banning the sale of microbead healthcare products in Chautauqua County.
Area residents interested in learning more about Dr. Mason and her research can attend a presentation next week on March 28 in Jamestown entitled “Water Politics: Saving the Great Lakes, the Largest Fresh Water Ecosystem on the Planet.” The free event is part of the GreenUp Jamestown initiative and will take place at 7 p.m. at St. Luke’s Church.
Dr. Mason will also be a guest on this week’s episode of Community Matters, airing on Thursday, March 22 at 5pm on WRFA.
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