Lucy – Desi Center Executive Director Journey Gunderson (left) and Board President Tom Benson stand next to a poster announcing Jay Leno as the headline act for the 2014 Lucille Ball Festival of Comedy.
JAMESTOWN – The finishing touches are being made for this year’s Lucille Ball Comedy Festival, which begins on Wednesday and continues through the remainder of the week and on into the weekend.
Highlighting the 2014 festival will be a sold out stand up performance by late nigh TV legend Jay Leno, along with an opening musical performance by Lucie Arnaz. Also on hand will be stand up comedian and Last Comic Standing Runner Up Tom Cotter, Comedian and actress Caroline Rhea, along with more than a dozen other comedians and entertainers and over 50 scheduled events.
According to Lucille Ball – Desi Arnaz Center Director and event organizer Journey Gunderson, the Lucille Ball Comedy Festival is the first in a four-pillar vision for the Lucy Desi Museum & Center for Comedy, including a comedic arts education program, a comedy film festival and the establishment of the first National Comedy Center.
For more information on the Lucy Desi Museum & Center for Comedy or the National Comedy Center, Inc., visit Lucy-Desi.com. To purchase tickets to comedy festival events, visit LucyComedyFest.com or call (716) 484-0800.
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