MAYVILLE – The effort to negotiate a new labor contract between Chautauqua County and many of its employees is moving forward. On Friday, County Executive Greg Edwards announced that he is accepting recommendations from a fact-finder’s report to resolve the impasse between the County and CSEA Unit 6300. The contract would be retroactive to Jan. 1, 2012.
The fact finder’s report includes several recommendations, including:
- A 0 percent increase in wages 2012, 0 percent increase in 2013, 41 cents-per-hour increase in 2014, and 2 percent increase in 2015;
- The employees’ premium share for health insurance will be frozen in 2012 and 2013, and premium increases in 2014 and 2015.
- An optional high deductible health plan made available to all employees; and
- The county will offer enhanced rights for employees that held other positions previous to a layoff.
The County Executive stated he is hopeful that CSEA will also accept the recommendations of the fact finder, and that a tentative agreement could then be presented to the Chautauqua County Legislature for ratification.
The County’s current contract with CSEA expired December 31, 2011, and the parties have been at impasse since 2012. A fact finder was appointed on October 10, 2012, but mediation and further negotiations continued this year until May.
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